Yesterday, we came through the Tardebigge tunnel – 580 yards long. Most tunnels are lined with brick (and consequently leak and are rather wet), but the Tardebigge is a little different as much of it has just been hewn out of the rock. So, I thought you might like to see this little video (realtime for a change, not stop motion).
Today we went down the Tardebigge flight of locks – 30 in all and nearly every one of them against us (i.e. the locks were empty when we needed them to be full). So we were extremely grateful for the help of the passing Smith family, who joined us near the top and stuck with us all the way down helping to open and close gates and paddles. Three very helpful and energetic children. Thanks guys, you were stars and really made our life a lot easier.
The video is quite a big file and you might want to download it first to view – click the symbol to the top right of the picture:
To all our followers, from Narrowboat Brandy Pad.
This is Copperkins ll, with our good friends Rob and Susan aboard. Well, actually just Rob as Susan is behind me operating the lock with Helen. They are only out for a week and met up with us on Tuesday evening East of Birmingham. They then travelled with us the next day under Spaghetti Junction and down the Grand Union canal to Catherine de Barnes where we had a very enjoyable dinner in the Boat Inn (thanks Rob and Susan). They then had to turn around and head back to their base as they have to be back in Bristol on Monday.
Really good to see them again after they had to pull out of visiting us in the summer and we hope to rendezvous with them and Copperkins ll again around the New Year.
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