Narrowboats are, as I have mentioned before, really designed for narrow canals. At the moment, however, we are on the South Yorkshire Navigation. Navigations are strange things. They are a mixture of big, wide canals and rivers. Often you don’t know which of them you are on – rivers can be quite powerful streams, whereas the canal bits tend to be much quieter. On canals you can usually find places to moor as there will be a tow path alongside. On rivers it is a different story as the land either side is privately owned and will often be heavily wooded, overhanging the bank so that you cannot even see it.
In addition to this, although there is no longer much commercial traffic on these navigations, you can come across some, and it can be BIG. Yesterday, we were advised by CRT staff (Canal and River Trust) to moor up at the staging point (where you get off/on to operate the lock) below the lock we had just gone through as there was a big fuel barge coming up. They were right-
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