This is a a Great Crested Grebe, as referred to in my last post:
Male - I guess.
<" />This is a a Great Crested Grebe, as referred to in my last post:
Male – I guess.
These, however, are our ducks, given to us by our good friends when we left Bristol:
Not for playing with in the bath – we don’t have one. Oh no, they perform a much more important role. Normally, when we moor up, we are able to tie up to shuttering that forms the canal side, or rings set in concrete that are there specifically for boats. However, if neither of these is available, we have to resort to putting metal stakes into the ground. This is one of the stakes, complete with hammer:
Can you see where I am going with this yet? Well, the stakes are around two foot long and as most of them is in the ground, they present a bit of a trip hazard to pedestrians and, more dangerously, to cyclists. Especially at night. So, the ducks do a great job of sitting on top of the stakes, making them more obvious to passers-by and hopefully preventing them falling over them. In the winter I also put strings of little LED lights along the lines to make them even more obvious.
The red ribbon is purely to tie them onto the stake and stop them flying away – so to speak!
P.S. Swan update – saw the first Cygnets today. Eight swimming along guarded by Dad at the front, Mum at the back.
Pleased to see that they are doing such a good job!
Looks adorable – but you could also have used Duck tape !
Boom boom – don’t give up the day job 😉