A little late posting this. Well, Christmas is a time for relaxing and not having to think too much isn’t it? Anyway, thought you might like to see where we moored up for Christmas Day (and Boxing Day). We are moored just past where the Caldon Canal splits in two – one branch heads towards Uttoxeter (stopping well short) and the other branch, where we were moored, heads towards Leek – also stopping short. Just after Bridge No 1 we found a lovely, quiet spot. It was a bit exposed, which with the high and gusty wind was interesting, but we were moored up tight and didn’t really notice it, apart from the waves on the water.
This is the view from the port side port-hole:
Taken through the window, which is why it is a bit hazy. You can just see some of the lock gates for the other branch of the canal – three in total here, heading down-hill.
And this is the view from the Starboard port-hole:
You can see the waves on the canal at the bottom.
We stayed for two days and then made our way on to Leek, to top up the stores.
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