We have been in Trinity Marina at Hinckley for three weeks now. While we were here, we have endured gales, heavy rain and snow:
We had intended to move off last Saturday, as previously mentioned, but a tree blown over during the storm last week was blocking the canal and we wouldn’t have been able to get very far. The Canal and River Trust have finally been able to get it cleared – flooded fields were making it difficult to get equipment to the canal – so today we were at last able to set off.
The tree had come down next to some moored boats on the opposite bank. They were very lucky that it did not actually land on one. Along the way today, we came across some boaters in a hire boat that were having a spot of trouble with dead electrics in their boat, so we stopped to assist.
All they really needed was to borrow a phone to call the hire company as they were unable to recharge their own. Kit had a quick look but wasn’t able to identify the problem. Probably a dead alternator or similar, but the hire company were not far away and were on their way to sort the problem out.
dear kit.,,,….once a boy scout, always a boy scout ….plus good news at last with the prospect of full steam ahead,,,,hope the weather keeps calm and settled for a few weeks nowxxxxxxxxx