After a long hard slog up the tidal River Ouse on Tuesday, fighting the receding tide for the last third of the way, we eventually arrived at York on Wednesday. (As usual click on the images for a bigger picture)
The colour of the water here at York is, handily, the colour of Yorkshire tea (our preferred brand). Wednesday was spent looking around and walking the historic walls of York – which are very impressive, although personally I prefer Chester. That night we went to bed with the water level at least 12 inches below the quay. Unfortunately, the next morning we woke up to this:
The water level had come up about 16 inches over night. This resulted in our moorings being below the water line:
Of course, we are on a boat and the boat floats (hopefully), but the problem is that if the water rises too much. we can drift sideways and end up on the path instead of in the river when the level drops.
Our draught (i.e. depth below the water line) is about 23″ at the stern and slightly less at the bow, so it wouldn’t have to rise very much more before it became a real problem. In fact we decided to move on and spent the day battling a heavy stream while we slogged our way up towards our destination – Ripon.
Hope you visited York Minster as well – such an interesting place. I’m hoping the weather improves for you – at least we have some sunshine today but the deluges….! All the best anyway.