Last night was really cold apparently – but not on Brandy Pad. Thanks to the thick coating of insulation, the double glazed porthole and our multi-fuel stove, we were warm and toasty. We have “bungs” that pop into the portholes at night, which also helps insulation (they double up as cushions when not in the portholes). The only difficulty is trying to make sure the heat from the stove, in the saloon, gets through the bathroom into the bedroom. We have now purchased a small fan that sits on top of the stove. There is a “thermocouple” in the unit that makes use of the heat from the the stove to spin the fan and encourage a flow of warm air. It will be interesting to see if it helps shift the heat, although not too much as a slightly cooler bedroom is helpful for sleep – or so I am told.
Forecast is for around -7C tonight, so it will be interesting to see if the fan helps. Of course, we also have the central heating!
glad to hear you have your skates on about the heating…..our bird bath was frozenover for the first time in years. you will have to wear your thermal long johns are they red? xxxxxxxxx etc
Hi Helen & Kit. Noticed you are now afloat and travelling around the canals. We would like to wish you all the best in your new home and hope you have a very warm and cosy christmas.