Well, finally managed to get the website running again. If you were trying to message us (and somebody was) apologies as we were down for a few days.
Anyway, the build is, I believe, finally under way. Bluewater Boats have had the steel for a little while, and now that the previous boat they were working on has been shot-blasted and moved into the fitout and painting workshp, they are able to make a start on “Brandy Pad”. Things are getting exciting.
I hope to be able to post some photos soon and also update the layout page to a more detailed diagram.
Currently we are expecting our boat to be ready to be put in the water around the end of August. Just enough time to settle it in, sort out ballast and take some friends around Bristol Harbour (assuming that is where we launch it) before we set off along the Avon and up the Kennet and Avon canal towards the Thames. Possibly from there to the Wey Navigation, but one or two other things may delay that a bit. More of that another time!
Check back with us soon……
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